Sunday, October 25, 2020

Junior Challenge - School Karakia

Materials: Each student will need a copy of E Te Atua

Whole class learning: Learn E Te Atua as a whole class - line by line. 

Follow up activity: To check students know the karakia, get students to cut each line out and glue it in, in order on a piece of paper. 

Extra entry: To get an extra entry in the Māori draw students can stand up in front of class and read the karakia.

 E Te Atua

Homai ki a matou

Te mana

Te mohio

Te aroha

Me te tautoko

Hei manaaki i a matou

Ko Ihu Karaiti 

To matou Ariki


Challenge #12 - Māori Gods

 Māori Gods

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Junior Challenge - Animals


Write a sentence using the Māori names for the animals.

E.g. I saw a poaka and a kuri talking to a ngeru in the kitchen.